Shrek The Third (“Shrek is the third“Through the efforts of Russian distributors) it turned out to be a very controversial film. On one side of the audience scales was colorful graphics and popularly beloved heroes, on the other – a mediocre plot, weak humor and pale, especially against the background of the fence and Co., Characters. However, all this affected the cash desk in the most insignificant way – the solid budget spent on creating the tape fought back very quickly. But be that as it may, the third part of the adventure of the shrek could not reach the high quality plan, established by the two previous series, and in particular – the second.
The situation has developed in the Igrodelic field in a completely different way. The chased Activision 7 Studios uninterruptedly produces virtual adaptations of “Fiery Traveling”, accurately fitting to the next premiere. In contrast, the cross-brothers cross-platform “Shreks” become better from the game to the game. Passing Shrek: Game Land Activity Center, wretched Shrek 2: The Game, Medicine Shrek 2: Team Action And magnificent Shrek Superslam. Now you can attribute to this list and Shrek The

All the key protagonists of the Troundwell successfully migrated to the screens of the monitors. In total, Title has six heroes: Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, Cat in Boots, Sleeping Beauty, ETC. Cartoon management has to get used to it for a long time, since it is not implemented by the most common method. In their variety, blows are divided into ordinary, powerful and special. For three types of attacks, the arrow keys are responsible, usually diverted by developers under the functions of moving. The largest load, thus, falls on the fingers of the right hand, constantly with an effort that hunger along the “arrow”. Depending on the degree of effectiveness of the final poke into the enemy’s area, the cherished glasses are accrued – the benefit of the types of supervisors in Shrek The Third Presented with excess.

The combat system is simple as twice two. Any user will be able to restore order in the fabulous kingdom. Another thing is that the avid fans of the action. In the light of the above, worry about the health of the green giant and his friends have no need. The usual strip of hit-items is simply absent here. The moment of approaching the character to death is clearly fixed by the starting red screen. If this suddenly happened, you need to urgently get saving dust. How? Get out of nearby enemies. IN Shrek The Third Everything is tied to aggression. Medical powder, by the way, contributes to the frequent use of the mode of slowing down time. With the already placed Slow-Mo, simple fighting games turn into a merciful penalty-the shirts of the shrek hail are lying to the left and right, clinging to slow opponents. True, access to the Bullet-Time is open only by Super and his wife, the rest have to rely solely on their own forces.

Single campaign is completely linear. Some variety of passage is introduced by mini-games that successfully cope with their entertaining function. Arcade fun bring not only the fan, but also the bonuses, which, by the way, in the game above the roof. Spring shots, additional difficulty levels, secret costumes for protagonists – for the sake of getting all this, you will have to spend a fair amount of time for the game.

From a graphic point of view, the brainchild 7 Studios looks three with a plus. The models of the characters came out somewhat clumsy, and animation – wooden. At the same time, “noobratins” run in colorful and high -quality drawing locations. The misfortunes of the heroes, by the way, take place not only in classic, movie scenery. A new environment that has not entered the tape organically fits into the world of the game. But the main trouble Shrek The Third lies not at all in the middle, albeit a bright, visual performance, but in general incompleteness. The first stone – in the garden of the virtual operator. At times, the camera behaves quite decent, but in most cases puts all its bad habits for showing the general public. Sudden movements in space, stuck in invisible walls – typical phenomena for it. However, this, coupled with unexpected flights on the desktop, is still somehow succumbing to common sense-ordinary sores of platformers, like nothing-but a disgusting picture exclusively in the most popular resolution of 1024×768 causes sincere bewilderment.

Having sensibly assessed the capabilities of the “motor” of the project, the authors did not make videos on the engine, replacing them with solid scenes in the puppet theater and pseudo -addicts. The full effect of immersion could be provided by Hollywood stars who gave their voices of the animated fraternity, but, alas, it did not work out. Either the developers did not have enough money, or something else. Voice acting as a result – not a fountain. Of course, it is impossible to call it a failure, but when instead of Eddie Murphy (the voice of a donkey) you hear a hitherto unfamiliar baritone, there is a slight disappointment.

Multiplayer regime to not be cut off. To choose from-one single medieval fun. Each player is given according to the castle, catapult and ballista, the task is the first to demolish five enemy towers.

If evaluated Shrek The Third Only through the prism of “games on motives”, employees of 7 Studios can safely get their tests. Against the backdrop of spring-summer tandems, the film-game of the Thunder coming of Shrek is in a winning position. However, simply comparing the project with the most successful representatives of the action/platformers, this cannot be said. All salt – in hack. Needless to say, the project was clearly driven under the world premiere of the animation tape. Give Activision to developers a little more time for the final polishing of the game, you look from Shrek The Third And it would turn out a real masterpiece. And so – just a good product, with a spoon of tar in the face of total under -efficiency.

Pros: Fascinating gameplay, familiar and beloved game universe.
Cons: a large number of bugs and shortcomings, wayward camera.