You know who he is Porcan (Poria Torkan)? In addition to the fact that he works as a producer Guerrilla Games, The guy is an outstanding master of distribution of “headshot” using a gamepad. It is difficult to say what surprised us more at the presentation Killzone: Shadow Fall – fascinating beauty landscapes in one of the first games of the new generation or those amazing things that, as it turned out, can be performed not only with the help of a keyboard with a mouse.

Green World

During the presentation, Poriah honestly passed a whole level Shadow Fall, Having demonstrated thirty minutes of gameplay. From the first seconds, the color scheme of the new Killzone, sharply contrasting with the traditional style of previous parts. The action took place in some jungle with thick vegetation and bright daily lighting.

Trokan He admitted that the developers had long wanted to green and expand the world Killzone, but the technical capabilities did not allow them to achieve the desired results. The consoles of the new generation provided such opportunities, and now we have the pleasure of admiring juicy views and a delicious picture. Of course, if we pre -purchase PS4.

The game takes place on vete, 30 years after the final of the third part. In relation to other plot details, the representative Guerrilla Games He did not spread. It is only known that both warring fractions – Vechetans and Helgasta – are fighting for survival. The protagonist is not some kind of sales mercenary from Merceenary, but a super-soldier, a representative of the Assassin organization Shadow Marshal. To play on the side of the Helgasts, as it was in the “mercenary”, it will not be possible to.

What to do? What not to do?

During the presentation, Poria was constantly interrupted, asking us how to approach the task. “We have a large open card and three goals on it,” he explains. – Where will we start? Ok, cut off the generator next to that rock. How to penetrate the base? With a battle or slip? Okay, let’s try stealth. Damn it did not work. How to kill that reptile? In close combat or from a rocket launcher. ”

Probably, all these questions should have created a sense of variability and nonlinearity of gameplay. Well, partly this succeeded: the presented location really had a large area that opens up opportunities for various tactical approaches. No “corridor” is a kind of Far Cry 3 in miniature. The level of level is also pleasant to the eye – favorite industrial objects here are organically combined with bright natural zones.

Stealth shown looked quite full. To determine the location of the opponents, the hero uses a scanner “seeing” through the walls. For inconspicuous movement on the ground, we can choose one of several bypass routes. There is also the opportunity to quietly eliminate the enemy. If the hero was noticed, not the time to despair, at first, the opponents will rush to cause reinforcement, and, in order to avoid trouble, you only need to quickly interrupt the enemies or destroy the alarm.

Nanoshchits and time travel

All in all, Killzone has become larger and more variable than before. The same features also affected the arsenal of the protagonist – fourteen completely different “guns” are available to our choice, each of which has the main and alternative firing modes. So, an ordinary gun can accumulate a charge and put it almost like a rocket launcher, laying several enemies at once.

The protagonist is accompanied by a spherical robot assistant, which at any time can be asked to activate one of the four abilities. For example, he knows how to install a shield that absorbs the main part of the damage, or throw an electric ball that can cut down a Helgaste group for a couple of seconds. An interesting gadget was the cable that allows us to overcome long distances in the ground. It is difficult to overestimate its meaning for secretive passage: we can literally “fly” from one tree to another without touching the earth.

Among the superpowers there is another. When Trokan будто бы случайно пал под натиском хелгастов, время обернулось вспять, прямо как в «песчаных» Prince of Persia, And after a second, the hero stood on his feet and cheerfully shot his killers. Do not think that Killzone It will turn into some Braid-the time of reloading the skill is extremely large, so rewinding will not be of particular importance for the gameplay.

War in the zone

In conclusion, Poriah’s presentation spoke about multiplayer. The main feature here is the so -called Warzones – the modes in which the rules are the player himself. You can change everything – the quantity and types of allowed weapons, the tasks of the match and the conditions for gaining experience. For example, one of the options includes the accrual of “frags” only for a shot in the head. Official Warzones will be present, but the specifics of the multiplayer of the new Killzone It is to allow each user to actively interact with the community, studying interesting approaches of other players and offering their own.

Fans of hunting for bright karma and fans of perfect statistics will do something to do: the game presents more than a thousand different trials – kill a dozen enemies of grenade, use only one weapon during the match, do not apply the skills of their character … By the way, there are three classes of fighters: “scouts”, “support” and attack aircraft and assaults. Each of them has its own skills that play an important tactical role.

Killzone: Shadow Fall markedly stepped forward compared to previous parts of the series. Updated gameplay, open levels and beautiful graphics make a rather attractive project from a traditional shooter. At least we had this impression. However, reality and staging demo version are, as you know, far from always similar.