Script and nothing else – such “Beltion”. He firmly beats in feeling a beautiful fighter with the only combo, a curve of the animation of jumps, hidden between the pages of the diary list and unnecessary runes along the deserted streets of Pinnarin – the only full -fledged city of Sarmantazars.
The world of Sarmantazar has been created and obeys Peru Dmitry Gordevsky And Yana Botsman, working under a common pseudonym Zorich. The world is full of miracles, the excess of which eliminates the local analogue of the usual inquisition – the balance of equilibrium. The operated orders confiscate objects from changed matter, and sorcerers declare outlaw. Orvin, our hero, is not exchanged for such trifles: he chases all over the world a traitor to the site and solves the secrets of the star of the steppes and Beltion. A thunderstorm of fragile barrels and boxes, Orvin is cool, like a cliff: peaceful hyazrams inspires the horror of the torceous xiva, and the robbers in the gateway first forces to turn out the pockets and only then sends to Shilol. And he also has a corner of truth – a muddy ball that makes the secrets of the world obvious: which one of the townspeople is a spy, where more gold is buried, and what angle to wait for an ambush. Other focuses of the pins from the category of “Easter eggs” – it is very difficult to stumble upon them. Lucky-talk with an invisible character and earn a little experience.
The scriptwriters do not spare the player, constantly bringing unfamiliar words into replicas of heroes. Shilol is the same devil, “hyazir” means “gentleman”, Feon is a spirit that changes the appearance. Rah-Savann above by the rank of Erm-Savann, but obeys Arrum. Gnorr is higher than them, he leads the balance of equilibrium.
Where there is experience, there is the development of a hero, but it is difficult to come up with a more primitive pumping than in “Beltion”. Study the possession of weapons – get an increase in damage, half a hundred spells will give a similar effect, but only for a few seconds. From the frills – homing grenades and health regeneration. What to do with such a baggage of knowledge? Murders, clear.
Zorich provides Alibi: in the damned tombs and abandoned mines are full of treasures, and who prevents them from passing them, that must be rested. In distant countries will be happy to the hero-defender. Are not happy – accept death in the name of the prince and truth. Enemies are mostly tenacious and painfully beating meat. Bosses, who are many, tenacious are just unusual. But only people are endowed with the mind – they evade the shots of super -precise onions, hide behind the barrels, shoot accurately, die beautifully. You are a pacifist? They didn’t forget about you. There are stealth mines, though sleeping guards not to awaken and grenades explosion and explosion. The dungeons are not without fork, but where to turn, the doors piloted by scripts will be decided for you. Interactive objects? Forget this abstruse word! Better look at the imitation of mass battles: a mass is a maximum of five bots that either die before your eyes or glorify the gods for salvation and immediately dissolve in the air. In a pile of ruined ideas, shooting from the ballist looks best: they will not let us in the gun, but they will be allowed to indicate the target with smoke arrows. By the way, the roar is the best sound, and the shaking of the earth is the best graphic effect in the game.
And the engine is not to blame for this – what from him, an ancient old man, take? But the designers clearly overestimated the capabilities of the motor. The “spectacular” flights of the camera give out the low -polygonality of objects, to which otherwise the player simply would not pay attention. It was not worth emphasizing the similarity of the appearance of the heroes: the chorus of tin soldiers at the beginning of adventure can cost her Uninstall’s, and the mysterious old man with an unrealistic appearance hardly anyone remembers. “Visions” from huge pixels, bright flashes when using an eye, mannequins, similar to decapitated heroes – an impressionable player and such trifles are shocking. These miscalculations do not exclude more familiar mistakes: causeless subcamping, failures through textures and very “children’s” invisible walls and crossbows without aunt.
With such luggage of non -stable ideas, very mediocrely realized, “Beltion” manages to shake for a good debut project. A couple of peaceful locations, a dozen characters with which you can chat about anything, shops without an assortment (but with the ability to bargain) are given “Beltion” Atmospheric and leisurely role playing. The characters without reservations are interesting: a colleague Giron drinks like an elephant, and tenacious, like a dog;His Highness Lagha is kind in fatherly, but all kinds inspires distrust;Archivarius collecting books – a romantic and cynic at the same time. To develop this direction! They would allow free movement between locations, would compose a couple of dozen optional tasks – and the passing action could grow to a good Fable clone.
Objectively speaking, “Beltion” can only be advised to fans Zorich and fans of the domestic game industry. A mixture of a “defacit” action movie and audio books can hardly be called a quality product. But this is not a trash, but rather amateurism.
Pros: Plot, heroes and universe.
Cons: Old engine;small software errors;super -bus selection of skills and equipment;degenerated to the level of the slasher mission;unsuccessful design solutions.